[st]utter in riddled chain-link [lim]it a body
an unstable [volt]age. dense [mus]cled [s]urge
thru muck dark & primal [b]lushed [bit]ter
mire or [f]lux in form. wing or [gi]zard, stem
in sprout, [sun]lit gimmick [bl]ossom or [g]litter
gash the wet sea open fin or fang pain [p]ried
loose a ridge or [s]pine. tense [mus]ical
[sc]ales condensed syrinx from [sum]mer
[plum]age or graft. limb. teeth or tin, mem-
brane [shel]ter. I wake up in a city. humans
wake up in [ci]ties. in [fl]esh, [f]lash, vast,[
car]ve or [g]naw a niche, [gli]tch my [l]ove-
[s]ong this [ph]ylum in [s]kin or [king]dom in noise.
i say unto you
imbecile, acquire noise
Cody-Rose Clevidence is the author of BEAST FEAST and Flung/ Throne (Ahsahta) as well as “Listen My Friend, This is the Dream I Dreamed Last Night” (forthcoming, 2021, Song Cave) and Aux Arc / Trypt Ich, (forthcoming, 2021 Nightboat.) They live in the Arkansas Ozarks with their assorted animals named after other animals.